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Internal Model Myths

For a long time, many (re)insurance companies have realized the need for risk-based valuations and solvency capital measurement and have started developing internal economic capital models which suit their needs. This is without prompting from regulators and rating agencies. Why? Such models provide a common measurement basis across all risks (e.g. same methodology, time horizon, risk measure, level of confidence, etc.) and are a powerful tool for strategic decision-making, for example in capital allocation and pricing.

2009-09-01T12:38:20+00:00September 1st, 2009|

Press release on Solvency II

The Forum strongly believes the directive represents an important step toward implementing an advanced supervisory and solvency framework which will help strengthen the European insurance industry. The Forum now urges the European Commission to introduce clear and effective implementing measures that will deliver the directive's basic principles.

2009-06-11T07:12:53+00:00June 11th, 2009|

Internal Model Admissibility

Internal models should reflect the nature, scale and complexity of the underlying businesses; they should be proportional in sophistication to the materiality of the risks they cover. Materiality levels should be determined by stakeholders based on the model's purpose. Practical considerations for models include usability, reliability, timeliness, process effectiveness, systems and cost efficiency. There should be an acceptable tradeoff between accuracy and the various practical constraints.

2017-05-10T20:05:29+00:00May 1st, 2009|

Calibration Principles

The Solvency II standard formula to calculate a company's Solvency Capital Requirement should present a balancing act between various targets such as simplicity, risk sensitivity and robustness. The CRO Forum believes the main principles of the current standard formula, namely to asses the sensitivity with respect to all material risk factors and to aggregate capital requirements allowing for diversification, are appropriate for this purpose and moreover set incentives towards risk mitigation strategies.

2009-05-01T07:31:04+00:00May 1st, 2009|

Addressing the pro-cyclical nature of Solvency II

Risk capital charges in the Solvency II context reflect the 99.5% quantile on a 1-year horizon. The consistent application of risk capital charges in Solvency II to all sources of risk is imperative. Inconsistent application of risk charges creates perverse incentives for certain asset classes or insurance products.

2008-11-25T08:06:17+00:00November 25th, 2008|

Public risk discl. under Solvency II

as a basis for discussion on the implementing measures for articles 50-55 of the EU Solvency II Draft Directive. The CRO Forum advocates a principles-based approach: Section B of this paper establishes five main principles for public risk disclosure which should be adhered to by all undertakings.

2017-05-10T20:05:29+00:00November 17th, 2008|

CRO Forum QIS4 Benchmark Study

The CRO Forum companies have developed internal capital models, which they expect to be approved by the regulators as a basis for setting the level of target capital ('SCR'). The CRO Forum companies have also participated in QIS4.

2008-10-31T08:27:14+00:00October 31st, 2008|
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