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Financial risk mitigation in insurance

The Chief Risk Officer Forum is delighted to be presenting the study "Financial Risk Mitigation in Insurance - Time for Change". The Chief Risk Officer Forum comprises risk officers of the major European insurance companies and financial conglomerates, and was formed to address the key relevant risk issues for its industry. It is a technical group focused on developing and promoting industry best practices in risk management.

2006-04-19T12:32:09+00:00April 19th, 2006|

A market cost of capital approach to market value margins

As stated earlier, under the development of Solvency II, there is agreement amongst most parties involved that the assets and liabilities should be measured on a consistent basis for solvency purposes and this basis should be market value. In order to determine the market consistent value of liabilities, it is agreed, we need to determine a market value margin (MVM) to be added to the expected present value of future liability cash flows.

2006-03-17T12:36:30+00:00March 17th, 2006|

Feedback on CEIOPS Consultation Paper 9

This presentation is based upon the consolidated responses of the Chief Risk Officer Forum to CEIOPS-CP-06/05, “Consultation Paper No. 9 - Draft Answers to the European Commission on the third wave of Calls for Advice in the framework of the Solvency II project.”

2006-02-08T12:40:04+00:00February 8th, 2006|

Response to CEIOPS Second Wave Calls for Advice

This presentation is based upon the consolidated responses of the Chief Risk Officer Forum to CEIOPS-CP-04/05, “Draft Answers to the European Commission on the ‘second wave’ of Calls for Advice in the framework of the Solvency II project.” Support was provided by Mercer Oliver Wyman in the presentation of the results and conclusions.

2005-09-07T12:49:58+00:00September 7th, 2005|

Benchmarking Study of Internal Models

This study shall provide a benchmark and guidelines towards Solvency II for the insurance regulators to assess internal models. The results of the study are a contribution of the CRO Forum to the Solvency II project. It should foster the discussion about the application of internal risk capital models for legal solvency – both Pillar 1 and 2 – purposes.

2023-03-17T09:11:46+00:00April 1st, 2005|
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