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CRO Forum Blueprint on Anti Personnel Mines and Cluster Munitions

The purpose of this paper is to raise general awareness of the issues related to APMs and cluster munitions and the consequent reputation risks. In addition, the paper sets out possible ways of how (re-)insurance companies, from a risk management perspective, could address business transactions in relation to APMs and cluster munitions.

2017-05-10T20:05:28+00:00August 13th, 2012|

Contingency Planning

The Euro area crisis of 2011 has stirred up a certain amount of thought and publication on how to deal with the potential consequences of a possible break-up of the monetary union. In light of these events, the CRO Forum investigates the potential risk management considerations that companies could take with the objective of limiting the potential impact by providing considerations to improve companies’ responsiveness to adversity.

2012-04-11T10:41:28+00:00April 11th, 2012|

Power blackouts pose growing challenge to society and industry: urgent action is needed

A study by the Chief Risk Officer’s (CRO) Forum has found that the risk of large scale power disruptions is set to increase due to the growing interconnectedness of electricity grids, changing mix of power sources and aging infrastructure

2020-11-23T18:14:11+00:00November 17th, 2011|

Insurance industry urges EU Commissioner Barnier to correct Solvency II implementing measures

In this press release, Representatives of the European insurance industry have urged the European Commissioner for the Internal Market and Services, Michel Barnier, to ensure that the overly conservative and prescriptive elements still contained in the draft implementing measures for the forthcoming EU regulatory regime, Solvency II, are urgently addressed.

2011-04-04T11:54:57+00:00April 4th, 2011|
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