CRO Forum – CP80

The CRO Forum welcomes the opportunity to comment this consultation paper on pre-application process for Internal Model. The timing for this paper is good as many supervisors are already starting a pre-application process and it will promote necessary harmonization. This paper is of high quality and the CRO Forum strongly supports CEIOPS in aiming for one unique pre-application process led by the lead/group supervisor in cooperation with the other supervisors concerned.

2010-03-16T10:29:38+00:00March 16th, 2010|

Market Risk Calibration March 2010

The CRO Forum welcomes the opportunity to contribute to the calibration of the standard formula through this paper on market risks. This document is a follow-up to our position papers published respectively last May: ‘Calibration Principles for the Solvency II Standard Formula”; and last December: ‘Calibration recommendation for the correlations in the Solvency II standard formula’.

2010-03-12T12:34:59+00:00March 12th, 2010|

CRO Forum comments on Consultation Paper no. 17

CRO Forum's response to CEIOPS Consultation Paper no. 17: draft advice to the European Commission in the framework of the Solvency II project on Pillar 2 capital add-ons for solo and group undertakings We welcome this Consultation Paper from CEIOPS. The CRO Forum supports the inclusion of powers for a capital add-on in the Solvency II framework directive. However, we must emphasise that capital add-ons should be seen as a last resort as expressed, for example, in article 136(2) of the EU's Capital Requirements Directive.

2007-01-12T11:57:43+00:00January 12th, 2007|

Feedback on CEIOPS Consultation Paper 14

This presentation is based upon the consolidated responses of the Chief Risk Officer Forum and Comité Européen des Assurancesto CEIOPS-CP-03/06, "Draft Advice to the European Commission in the framework of the Solvency II project on subgroup supervisions, diversification effects, cooperation with third countries and issues related to the MCR and SCR in a group context."

2006-09-22T12:19:49+00:00September 22nd, 2006|

Feedback on CEIOPS Consultation Paper 13

The Chief Risk Officer Forum ('CRO Forum') comprises risk officers of the major European insurance companies and financial conglomerates, and was formed to address the key relevant risk issues. It is a technical group focused on developing and promoting industry best practices in risk management.

2006-09-15T12:25:03+00:00September 15th, 2006|

Feedback on CEIOPS Consultation Paper 9

This presentation is based upon the consolidated responses of the Chief Risk Officer Forum to CEIOPS-CP-06/05, “Consultation Paper No. 9 - Draft Answers to the European Commission on the third wave of Calls for Advice in the framework of the Solvency II project.”

2006-02-08T12:40:04+00:00February 8th, 2006|
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