Bernhard Kaufmann, Group Chief Risk Officer of Munich Re and Vice-chair of the CRO Forum in 2016, has been elected CRO Forum Chairman for 2017. Bernhard joined Munich Re Group in 2000. He has been [...]
Bernhard Kaufmann, Group Chief Risk Officer of Munich Re and Vice-chair of the CRO Forum in 2016, has been elected CRO Forum Chairman for 2017. Bernhard joined Munich Re Group in 2000. He has been [...]
David Cole, Chief Risk Officer of Swiss Re and Vice-Chairman of the CRO Forum during 2012, was elected as the CRO Forum Chairman for 2013.
Robin Spencer, Chief Risk Officer of Aviva PLC and Vice-Chairman of the CRO Forum during 2011, was elected as the CRO Forum Chairman for 2012. Swiss Re’s Chief Risk Officer, David Cole, was elected Vice-Chairman of the CRO Forum for 2012.
As a consequence of globalisation, public expectations have risen that businesses should behave responsibly and accountably in terms of minimizing their environmental and social footprint. Even though this footprint is low for the insurance industry due to the service nature of its operations, headline risk has nonetheless increased.
We would like to take the opportunity to specify certain aspects of the risk-free interest rate term structure for QIS 5. This technical paper is set out in four sections to cover the aspects of the risk-free interest rate term structure as asked from the European Insurance CFO Forum and CRO Forum.
The CRO Forum welcomes the opportunity to comment this consultation paper on pre-application process for Internal Model. The timing for this paper is good as many supervisors are already starting a pre-application process and it will promote necessary harmonization. This paper is of high quality and the CRO Forum strongly supports CEIOPS in aiming for one unique pre-application process led by the lead/group supervisor in cooperation with the other supervisors concerned.
The CRO Forum welcomes the opportunity to contribute to the calibration of the standard formula through this paper on market risks. This document is a follow-up to our position papers published respectively last May: ‘Calibration Principles for the Solvency II Standard Formula”; and last December: ‘Calibration recommendation for the correlations in the Solvency II standard formula’.
The Emerging Risks Initiative releases today three papers on risks emerging in the insurance industry, namely: Environmental liabilities & biodiversity losses; Carbon nano tubes (CNT); and Workplace related stress. The papers identify elements of the changing risk landscape that may create new challenges for stakeholders such as public authorities as well as financial institutions like insurance providers.
The CRO Forum's views on the consequences for Enterprise Risk Management and regulation in the insurance industry.
The Forum strongly believes the directive represents an important step toward implementing an advanced supervisory and solvency framework which will help strengthen the European insurance industry. The Forum now urges the European Commission to introduce clear and effective implementing measures that will deliver the directive's basic principles.