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CROF QIS5 Press Release

QIS5: A checkpoint to steer Solvency II. Results will provide a tangible basis to assess potential outcomes of Solvency II. The CRO Forum welcomes and supports the efforts of the Commission and CEIOPS in moving [...]

2010-08-23T10:50:06+00:00August 23rd, 2010|

QIS5 TS High Level Issues

The CRO Forum and CFO Forum are pleased to be able to provide comment on the QIS5 draft specification, as prescribed in the QIS5 consultation. We welcome the openness to cooperation between us and trust that this is merely a point in our continuous dialogue.

2010-06-01T10:54:18+00:00June 1st, 2010|

QIS5 Detailed Feedback

The CRO Forum and CFO Forum are pleased to be able to provide comment on the QIS5 draft specification, as prescribed in the QIS5 consultation. We welcome the openness to cooperation between us and trust that this is merely a point in our continuous dialogue.

2010-06-01T09:02:52+00:00June 1st, 2010|
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