Solvency II

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Data Quality in the Insurance sector – Stocktaking and proposed way forward

Although insurance companies have always based their management decisions on information about exposures, risks and customers, the entry into force of Solvency II in 2016 represented a key incentive to progress from informal data quality [...]

2020-11-20T15:23:15+00:00September 14th, 2020|

Why ‘expected future profits’ must be treated as tier 1 capital

The role of ‘expected future profits’ in determining a firm’s own funds is attracting much discussion, with suggestions that they should be excluded from tier 1 capital. We believe this is at least in part due to a misunderstanding of their nature – even the term ‘expected future profits’ is misleading and we prefer to refer to them as in-force cashflows.

2010-04-20T10:10:19+00:00April 20th, 2010|

Carbon nano tubes

The Emerging Risks Initiative releases today three papers on risks emerging in the insurance industry, namely: Environmental liabilities & biodiversity losses; Carbon nano tubes (CNT); and Workplace related stress. The papers identify elements of the changing risk landscape that may create new challenges for stakeholders such as public authorities as well as financial institutions like insurance providers.

2010-01-20T09:42:09+00:00January 20th, 2010|

The CRO Forum keeps its finger on the pulse…

In addition to its commitment to the Solvency II project, the CRO Forum maintains its focus on the promotion of best risk management practices by unraveling potential threats to the industry.

2017-05-10T20:05:29+00:00January 18th, 2010|

Solvency II Calibration

This document is a follow-up to our position paper published last May: ‘Calibration Principles for the Solvency II Standard Formula”. The paper provides our recommendation on the methodology to calibrate market risk correlation factors as well as a counterproposal for the correlation matrix as suggested by CEIOPS in its Consultation Paper n°74. The final chapter of this document also briefly addresses the correlations for non-market risk.

2017-05-10T20:05:29+00:00December 4th, 2009|

Solvency II: all models are internal…but some

Under Solvency II, (re)insurance companies have the option to elect the Standard Model as defined under Solvency II or apply for approval to use Internal Models. Regulatory authorities have spent a lot of time and attention on the admissibility requirements for granting Internal Model approval.

2020-11-23T18:25:59+00:00September 1st, 2009|
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