David Cole of Swiss Re will chair the Chief Risk Officer’s Forum during 2013.
David Cole, Chief Risk Officer of Swiss Re and Vice-Chairman of the CRO Forum during 2012, was elected as the CRO Forum Chairman for 2013.The CRO Forum would like to thank Robin Spencer, Chief Risk Officer of Aviva PLC, for leading the Forum during the past year. In 2012, the CRO Forum continued to play a significant role in the discussion on risk management topics, with focus on best practice risk management, emerging risks and providing input to the regulatory debate.
The CRO Forum welcomes the on-going cooperation between industry stakeholders and the efforts to achieve an industry voice on open elements of the Solvency II framework and other regulatory developments. The CRO Forum is grateful to the European Commission and EIOPA for their willingness to continue engaging with the industry’s positions. The CRO Forum looks forward to working with all relevant stakeholders in the coming year.
Commenting on his new role as Chairman of the CRO Forum Mr. Cole said: “I look forward to continue to work with the other Forum members in the course of 2013. The Forum is well placed to continue its work on the three main areas of focus: best practice risk management, providing insight into emerging risks and contributing to the regulatory debate.
For further information please contact croforum.office@kpmg.nl